May 10, 2023

Editorial Staff, The Post and Courier

SC Must Rethink its Lax Approach to Septic Tanks Before its Too Late

South Carolina’s coast has thousands of ticking time bombs that pose a threat to the water quality in and around our rivers and creeks, and imperil our children’s and grandchildren’s quality of life. It would be a great first step if we could agree to stop adding so many more of these dangers — and ensure those that are already in place are less likely to become a problem.

The Post and Courier’s recent report, “Danger below,” provides a timely, comprehensive overview of the growing challenges coastal counties face from existing septic tanks as well as the challenges they continue to face as developers increasingly propose new neighborhoods served by dozens or even hundreds of these below-ground sewer systems.

Septic tank systems work well, at least when they’re properly installed and properly maintained. And when they aren’t near the groundwater table, which is increasingly difficult to achieve along the coast where that table is expected to rise along with the seas in the decades to come.

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